Saturday, May 11, 2013

Great Success!

May 4th was a lot of fun; we met a few dozen people and gave a way a bunch of cool Darkside t-shirts! Here are some pics of the event.

Stay tuned! News of our next event, plus some character bios from our upcoming comic "The Gateway Chronicals" coming up.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Darkside is having its first event at Avalon Game Shop this Saturday, May 4th!

Avalon is having its Free Comic Day, and Darkside is going to be there! Come join us for fun and music. We'll giving out free T-shirts and having a raffle for some original artwork, sketches and a single copy of Injustice for PS3. We'll also be having a drawing competition!

Avalon Game Shop
20321 Old Cutler Rd,
Cutler Bay, Fl 33189


This is a big day; but probably not for you- for you, today is likely the same as most days (though it may be a big day for you... If it is, then good luck... or congratulations... or whatever!)
But, today is a big day for us at Darkside Global. This is our first blog post! We're new to blogging, so we hope this comes out alright!

On this blog, we plan to keep you guys updated the various projects and events we're working on.
So... here's what we're working on!

Our first project is "The Gateway Chronicles: Anthology 1". It's something of a compilation comic, where we explore some short stories revolving around some of our characters. We are about halfway done with this sucker: all the writing is laid out and about a quarter of the comic is drawn and inked!